About Me

Image credit: Shelly Fiabane

About Me

Shelly Fiabane bio photo By Shelly Fiabane

Who am I?

My name is Shelly Fiabane. I’m a computer programmer/developer currently living in a suburb just outside of Seattle, Washington.

My husband Jason and I are animal lovers who consider ourselves lucky to share our home with a cat, a dog, and 6 birds. The house is rarely quiet (or perfectly clean), but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

dog birds cat
Some photos of my many critters.

A few activities I enjoy in my spare time are:

  • Traveling
  • Gardening
  • Photography
  • Hiking and camping
  • Cooking
  • Writing and drawing
  • Playing video games
  • Exploring the PNW
  • Political Activism
  • Crocheting and crafting

My coding/programming journey is just beginning. In February 2016 I completed a few JavaScript courses through Code Fellows, which is a programming bootcamp here in Seattle. Since my time at Code Fellows, I have done a significant amount of self-study to further develop my programming knowledge.

Currently, I am working through the front-end and JavaScript curriculum offered by Free Code Camp.

Hopefully, I will continue to round out my education with some freelance work before I begin looking for a full-time position.
