
Image credit: Shelly Fiabane


Shelly Fiabane bio photo By Shelly Fiabane

Edmonds NAC Organization Website

This is the website for a local political organization which I have made significant contributions to. Edmonds NAC

Enac Website

View my contributions on GitHub

JavaScript Calculator

This is an Advanced Front End Development Project which is part of the Front End Development Certification curriculum at Free Code Camp.

JavaScript Calculator

View project on Codepen

View User-Stories and full project code on GitHub.

Twitch Tv API App

This intermediate-level project is part of the Front End Development Certification through Free Code Camp.

Twitch Tv App

View project on Codepen

View User-Stories and full project code on GitHub.

Wikipedia Viewer

This Intermediate-Level project is part of the Front End Development Certification curriculum at Free Code Camp.

See the blog post about this project.

Wikipedia Viewer

View project on Codepen

Local Weather App

This Intermediate-Level project is part of the Front End Development Certification curriculum at Free Code Camp.

See the blog post about this project.

Local Weather App

View project on Codepen

Random Quote Generator

This intermediate-level project is part of the Front End Development Certification curriculum at Free Code Camp.

Random Quote Generator

View project on CodePen

Project Guidelines
  1. Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.
  2. Fulfill the below user stories. Use whichever libraries you need. Give it your own personal style.
  • User Story: I can click a button to show me a new random quote.
  • User Story: I can press a button to tweet out a quote.

Personal Portfolio Webpage

This project is part of the Front End Development Certification curriculum at Free Code Camp.

Personal Portfolio


View project and code on CodePen

Project Guidelines
  1. Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.
  2. Fulfill the below user stories. Use whichever libraries you need. Give it your own personal style.
  3. You can use Bootstrap, or any other framework of your choice.
  • User Story: I can access all of the portfolio webpage's content just by scrolling.
  • User Story: I can click different buttons that will take me to the portfolio creator's different social media pages.
  • User Story: I can see thumbnail images of different projects the portfolio creator has built (if you haven't built any websites before, use placeholders.)
  • User Story: I navigate to different sections of the webpage by clicking buttons in the navigation.

Tribute Page

This project is part of the Front End Development Certification curriculum at Free Code Camp.

Tribute Page

Tribute Page

View project and code on CodePen

Project Guidelines
  1. Don't look at the example project's code. Figure it out for yourself.
  2. Fulfill the below user stories. Use whichever libraries you need. Give it your own personal style.
  • User Story: I can view a tribute page with an image and text.
  • User Story: I can click on a link that will take me to an external website with further information on the topic.

Final Project: Code Fellows Bootcamp

Final project which was a collaborative effort with 3 of my classmates. User Stories and raw code for this project here.

Game Closet Project

Game Closet

View live project site

Final Personal Project: Code Fellows

Bus Mall, photo survey project. User Stories and raw code here

Bus Mall Project

Bus Mall

View live project site.

Home Blog